Saturday, December 19, 2009


There are a couple of images that come to mind whenever people hear the word "Lebanon". For those of us who remember the 1980s and 2006, it might look like this:

or this:

For those of us whose images of the Middle East come from Aladdin or the Children's Illustrated Bible, it might look like this:

For those of us who live here, it looks something like this:

and this:

So normally I try and steer people away from both the war-torn and orientalist views of Lebanon--while they both have some roots in history, the present is a very different.

Of course, then there are times like this morning, when I was walking across the field to work, when I turn the corner to see...a man walking a giant camel. Named Amadou. (The camel, not the man) Apparently, Amadou lives right behind my house! As you all can imagine, I'm psyched. I don't have to go to Egypt for my camel ride--or at least I don't have to ride on a camel in Egypt. Alhamdoulilah.

Side note: Does anybody know the rules for citing photographs in blogs? Clearly these are not all mine--although many of you may remember my stint as a 7-year-old war photographer back in '87. I feel a little silly for asking in this Google age, but I'm curious as to what the standard is.


  1. Was that for your mother's benefit (because I have recently seen Waltz With Bashir and because I have a highly developed sense of worst case scenario)?

  2. Yes. Just close your eyes and think of the camel in my backyard. And the Druze militia who will protect me.

  3. The official blog standard for citing photography is "Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't Bother." Once your blog makes you rich and famous, you can pay tiny people to mop up the legal niceties for you.


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